Miami Weather in January

Miami weather in January

January is the coldest month in Miami. The average temperature is 68 degrees Farenheit and the precipitation is about 5 inches. There are 4 days where the temperature reaches 80 degrees Farenheit and 2 days where the temperature drops below zero.

January brings cooler, drier weather to Miami, Florida. That makes for plenty of pleasant weather with comfortably warm temperatures.

It’s not unusual for the temperature to reach 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius) or higher every day during January in Miami. In fact, the city averages 12 days this month when the thermometer climbs into the 80s Fahrenheit (over 26 degrees Celsius). However, temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius) are rare here this month. At night, the temperature usually dips to 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius).

In January, the sun shines for an average of 10 hours and 44 minutes a day in Miami. The shortest day of the month is the first, with 10 hours and 34 minutes of daylight. By the end of the month, the days have lengthened to 10:59 from sunrise to sunset.