Miami Weather in December

Miami weather in December

The average temperature in Miami in December is 77 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity is around 60% and the precipitation is about 0 inches. There are 2 days where the temperature reaches 90 degrees Farenheit and 1 day where the temperature drops below freezing.

Miami’s weather in December is usually pretty great. Perfect temperatures and not a lot of rain. Although it can be a little cloudier now than in other months. And it can get down to freezing here at this time of year.

In December, the sun shines in Miami an average of 10 hours and 33 minutes a day. On average, 63% of daylight hours have direct sunlight reaching the ground, for a total of 206 hours in the month. Typically, 9 days this month have mostly clear skies, with at most 30% cloud cover.